Friday, March 16, 2012

Church membership aproves By-Laws revision

The membership of the church voted to approve the recommended changes to the church By-Laws that were put forth by the By-Laws committee and approved by the Board.  The proposed changes took effect on May 1st.  There are several significant changes that anyone interested should see for themselves by clicking on the link below to view the new By-Laws.  Among them: the boards have been restructured from 3 to 2 and from 20 members to 10.  The requirement for membership has been changed to no longer require a re-Baptism of anyone who has already been baptized in another Christian church, and the new position of Missions Representative has been created to focus on the task of communicating with and caring for our church's missionaries.

Newly adopted By-Laws

1 comment:

  1. At the Quarterly Business Meeting the members of the church approved the Board's proposed Bi-Laws revisions. The new Bi-Laws will take effect May 1st.
