The 1st Baptist Church of Franklin is one of six churches currently supporting an initiative to reach out into our community and attempt to fill in some of the gaps between the already existing government and charity aid. As a group, we are committed to bring real help to those in need and doing so in the name of Jesus.
The group's first project is an outreach effort at the Evergreen Arbors housing here in Franklin. Our first event was this past Saturday. There were over 30 volunteers that helped bring an enjoyable afternoon to 73 children and their parents. The ultimate goal is to follow-up with those families willing to talk to us and see in what ways we can help them.
Thanks to all who came to help out and to those who have given donations in support of this effort. The Arbors is the beginning, where we learn to work together and learn the true nature of the need in front of us. Where we go from here is in the hands of God.
To view the thank you letter (also contains comments from residents and statistics)
click on the link below:
Arbors Thank You Letter