Wednesday, February 24, 2021

1st Baptist has more Healthcare Hero yard signs available


We did a 2nd print run of yard signs, they are still $10 each (with $3 per going to Emmaus Haven our county's homeless shelter).  Call the office, 432-8061, to arrange pick-up.  As always, continue to lift our healthcare workers up to the LORD in prayer.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Can you help? Rides to COVID vaccinations needed for area seniors

 UPMC will be offering special COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics in the upcoming weeks and are anticipating a need for transportation for the Older Adult Population. Venango County has been approached to help provide some of this transportation.  

If you would have anyone interested in helping, please have them contact me at the following number – 814-432-9767.

Thank you,

Kit Woods

Venango County Human Services