Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Wednesday night study of I & II Peter begins tonight at 7 PM

Our regular Wednesday night Bible study group is starting on I & II Peter tonight and will continue to look at it verse by verse until we've gone through both of them, a process that may take until Christmas.  As a teaser for our study, let me simply point out 6 pairs of couplings that Peter uses to emphasize one of his main points in the first letter: To follow Christ means to avoid evil AND to do good.  Here are the references: 1:13-16, "be holy", 2:1-2, "rid yourselves of all...crave pure spiritual milk", 2:11-12, "abstain from sinful such good lives", 2:24, "die to sins and live for righteousness", 3:11, "turn from evil and do good", and 4:2, "does not live...for evil human desires, but rather for the will of God".  Thus as we work our way through Peter's letters, one of the questions that we will seek to answer is: how do we follow this teaching in our lives?

As always, Bible study is open to the public, all are welcome, questions are encouraged.

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