Wednesday, May 6, 2020

1st Baptist to remain closed for in-person worship and Bible Study during "Yellow" - Facebook Live to continue

The Governing Board of 1st Baptist, with the concurrence of Pastor Powell, has decided to remain cautious during the "Yellow" transition phase and not seek to reopen in-person services at this time.

1. The 25 person limit only leaves 17 people who could attend (with the 8 required for our current worship format).

2. A significant portion of our congregation is at-risk, and would be advised to not attend at this time even if we did reopen.

3. Most of the churches in Venango County have already cancelled in-person services through May.  Showing solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Christ also is a priority for us.

4. The majority of our congregation has been able to take advantage of the worship service and/or prayer time and Bible Studies through Facebook Live.  {Audio CD's of the service remain available as an alternative upon request}

What is included?  The Sunday morning worship service, the Wednesday prayer time, and both Wednesday Bible Studies.

How long will this last?  The board will re-evaluate the situation at the end of May, or sooner if our county receives a "Green" designation. 

Questions?  Please call the office and ask for Pastor Powell (432-8061)

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