Tuesday, December 7, 2021

What is GPS? (That thing Pastor Powell is doing in 2022)


A GPS Strategy

A week or so ago, through Constant Contact, we told you all the WHO. Now we will tell you all the WHAT …

To assist ONLY during the transition period between Frank’s stellar leadership and what the Lord has in mind and in store for our more permanent future, a GPS strategy has been envisioned, approved, and will be begin starting January 1, 2022. 

You ask yourself, so what is The GPS Strategy? Great question! Here’s the answer.

GPS stands for “Geographic Pastoral Servants. These are SIX pastoral leaders, whose names you now know, some leading local churches and some not, in six different geographies of our two-state region. These individuals will serve the equivalency of one full day a week doing regional ministry in addition to their present responsibilities. This ministry will focus on making contacts, having conversations, and building on existing pastoral and congregational relationships. They will provide support, encouragement, and coaching as needed in the contacts and connections they are making. They will also serve about eight weekends during the coming year being in one of their geographic churches, representing the region family at a church event, associational function, or service of celebration or commemoration. This will allow Mark and Jeff to continue in their own responsibilities as well as dividing up Frank’s duties as they serve starting January 1 as our co-executive pastors. The GPSers will keep Mark and Jeff and really the whole region family informed of their regional ministry by posting to social media as you have already become familiar with and excited about. Starting in January, you will now see on our Facebook page besides Mark writes, Jeff writes, people like Cristy writes…, Bob writes…, Randy writes…, and so on. They will also be able to point pastors and church leaders to the many, many resources available in our region as well as encourage overall mission support, more critical now than ever before, not the least of which is giving to the Partners in Ministry offering, where 100% stays right here in ABCOPAD and makes this transitional strategy and so many other things possible, allowing the region’s leadership to focus on a vision process to discern and determine what we believe the Lord would have us look like and do in structure and function in the future. This is an exciting time for everyone involved, including you!

To stay connected as staff, Mark and Jeff along with our two other fulltime staff, Denise and Caryl will convene bi-weekly meetings with these six GPSers as well as also oversee our existing Regional Ministry Associates. Besides the duties already mentioned, the GPSers will assist the ABCOPAD Leadership Team as time permits and they are able. It should be noted that the GPSers presently serving in the local church context will ALWAYS make their local church their number one priority with their regional ministry complementary.  Please keep in mind, we will be learning as we are living this strategy, so making adjustments as deemed necessary throughout this coming transitional year. 

STAY TUNED, more information is to come. If you have ANY questions at all, please don’t hesitate to direct them to Mark (msmsmail@abcopad.com) or Jeff (jjohnson@abcopad.com) and they will be happy to answer them. 

Your prayers will not only be appreciated but are needed as we move forward. We thank you now for them! We thank God now for you!

- Co-Executive Ministers (Acting) Mark Mahserjian-Smith and Jeff Johnson

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